Guidance » Seniors


Senior Year

Beginning Senior Year
Continue to weigh pros and cons of each school or program you are considering. Visit the schools/programs and compare the details of each one. Apply early to the schools/programs of your choice. Obtain application forms, observe deadlines, and submit transcripts and test scores. Begin checking on various scholarships (National, state, and local), and check with the college you apply to for scholarships that they award.

Mid-Senior Year
Apply for financial aid and investigate all possible sources for additional aid. Attend the financial aid workshop held at PHS in early January. Consult with the school's financial aid office for forms and deadlines.

Late Senior Year
If you are comfortable with your final choice, congratulations! Talk with your parents and counselors to confirm your decision. Notify other schools of your decision because they often hold dormitory space, scholarships, and financial aid for prospective students.

Throughout Your Senior Year
The senior year is when everything comes together. It is also the year in which students see the rewards of their hard work and planning.

1. Continue to monitor your academic progress.
Seniors sometimes feel that their senior grades are not important. You need to know that many colleges request a seven semester, or mid-year transcript. At the end of the year high schools will also forward a copy of the final transcript (which includes all senior grades) to the college you plan to attend.

2. Register for the ACT, SAT I and/or SAT II if necessary.
Take a look at your previous scores and determine if you need to retake any of these.

3. Obtain and complete college applications for the fall.
Make sure that your applications are completed and mailed well before the deadline. All applications will require a high school transcript and most will have one or more sections for the high school counselor to complete.

A. Make certain the student portion of the application is completed neatly, thoroughly and accurately, before it is given to the counselor. Tip: Before you start to complete an application, make a copy and use it as a rough draft. Double check the rough draft to make sure the information is accurate and the essays are well written. Type the information on the official application. REMEMBER TO MAKE A COPY FOR YOUR FILES, NOTING THE DATE IT WAS SUBMITTED.

B. See that the application is given to the counselor at least three weeks before the deadline. Counselors have many responsibilities and will have numerous applications to complete between October and February. Understand that it takes time and thought to complete an application correctly and/or write a letter of recommendation.

C. If the application requires the counselor to write a letter of recommendation, he/she would probably welcome written information and anecdotes with regards to your strengths, interests, talents, leadership skills and educational plans. You should also give the counselor a copy of your "Activities and Awards" list.

In addition to counselor recommendations, many college and scholarship applications also require teacher recommendations. If a student needs a teacher recommendation he/she should put it in writing and include information on what is needed, when it is needed, and instructions on where to submit it when it has been completed. If the teacher is to mail it, the teacher should be provided with an addresses, stamped envelope. (A thank you note to the teacher or counselor who has written a recommendation would be appropriate and very much appreciated.)